Metrocem Group positions our people as the most important asset. The realization of our company's mission and vision and its sustainable growth cannot be achieved without high level of engagement and contribution of employees. To ensure this, we express the basic principles of HR management as the "HR Management Philosophy".

  • Organizational Principles

    Metrocem should be a flexible organization responding effectively to changes in the business environment, and fostering a sense of unity within the group of companies in order to enable its employees to realize the mission and vision of their company.

  • Expectations of Leaders

    Senior Executive and Consultants are expected to lead the team members of his/her organization to realize our vision while fully understanding our mission

  • Basic Philosophy of Human Resource Management

    Metrocem Group realizes sustainable growth through innovation, integrity and accountability. These values are generated through the effective management of our people.

  • Compensation

    We wish to develop a high performance culture where high level of commitment, engagement and contribution are aligned and compensate on the basis of such factors.

  • Recruitment and Development

    We wish to develop a high performance culture where high level of commitment, engagement and contribution are aligned and compensate on the basis of such factors.

  • Performance Management

    Our goal is to maximize the potential of our people through effective performance management. Performance management is primarily used as a guideline to determine the level of compensation and reward, as well as used to promote talent development. Various achievements and contributions generated from diverse activities are recognized and evaluated appropriately.

  • Employment/Work Environment

    We believe it is important for employees, who are aligned to the company's values and contribute to the achievement of its mission and vision, grow with Metrocem in the long term. We provide a work environment where our employees among the group companies can maintain high motivation and engagement and promote an environment free from harassment and which promotes diversity.

  • Employee/Labor Union Communication

    We value two-way communication with our employees and their opinions. We respect the facts where labor unions represent employees, the group values those communications as well.

  • Roles of HR

    Our ultimate aim is to recruit and develop talent and creating organizational health and strength to make each member of Metrocem group of companies "a great place to work".

  • Roles of Management

    The management of the Metrocem Group commits to the vision of the HR Management Philosophy and fostering an understanding of the Philosophy to all leaders of the company.